Micro-Advocates Cooperative
powered by TidyHQJackie Menne
Jackie Menne
Lived in Minnesota long enough to call it home, yet still a transplant from Cincinnati. Landed my dream job right out of school as a writer, actually copywriter for a hit radio station that played them (hits) and brought in the stars who sang them. Met most. Struck an empathetic chord. Felt sorry.
Moved into television and then actually moved... here. Lasted a few years at Channel 5 then found the wonderful world of advertising.
Worked for big companies, big brands and big shots. Retail giants. Consumer goods. Music industry.
Became a Boat rocker. Crusader. Realist.
Got close to the top of the ladder but stepped down. Not afraid of heights, tired of the view. Left to become a master juggler and wearer of hats. Ran small agencies. Climbed step-stools. Finally back on the ground to write and create Synergy Advertising. A microbiz. Later Joule, a place for microbiz.
Still a Boat Rocker. Crusader. Realist. And now an Advocate.
Jackie is a founding member of the Micro-Advocates Cooperative and currently its Secretary/Communications.
joulemn.com . mb2mb.com . ialsynergy.com